A Welcome Rebuke

Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; it is oil upon the head; do not let my head refuse it. Psalm 141:5

I love this verse. I’ve loved it for years. It reminds me of who I want to be.

David—a mighty man, a brilliant warrior and leader–wanted men in his life that would “smite” him. He wanted men who would get in his face, offer him rebukes in love, and keep him humble.

In fact, the one time David fell in the terrible sin of adultery, he had sent all of his mighty men off to battle and had stayed behind.

In other words, he was alone and isolated.

And if you’re alone and isolated, and if no one has permission to speak into your heart, then you’re a prime candidate for failure.

Do you welcome the rebuke offered in love? Do you give a person, or even a small group, access to your life—your attitudes, your spending, your behaviors, your relationships and your sin?

David said that such rebukes were open expressions of love—“it is oil on my head.”

Pray for an open and teachable spirit. Invite godly people to hold you accountable and to speak into your life. Don’t fall into the age-old trap of isolation. Let a righteous man smite you; it is a kindness.

Father, help us to be humble, teachable and accountable to each other. In Jesus’ name . . .



©2014 Will Davis Jr.  Originally posted at www.willdavisjr.com