An Evening of Inspiration

You are invited to join us for an evening of inspiration and fellowship. Our theme will be: Now More Than Ever: An Urgent Call to Spiritual Awakening.

Our gathering will feature desserts, beverages, mutual encouragement, and powerful presentations from pastors across the world. We will be sharing a compelling vision for growing the roots for spiritual awakening with the dream of seeing the fruits of supernatural gospel impact in our communities, nation, and world.

You will have an opportunity to learn more about the far-reaching impact of our ministry as we invite you to pray for and partner with us in these crucial days in our nation. We hope to see you soon.


  • Denver: November 7th, 6:30pm, Grace Chapel
  • Sacramento: November 12th, 6pm, Piatti Restaurant
  • San Jose: November 14th, 7pm, Toll House Hotel (Los Gatos)
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