Hang in There

During the month of October, which is Pastor Appreciation month, I wanted to encourage you as a church leader to finish well. This is a vital task, as your journey is often filled with challenges that can lead to burnout or discouragement. Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of Daniel Henderson, my friend and ministry partner, and H.B. Charles Jr., we can provide church leaders with the motivation and guidance they need to persevere and complete their ministry with excellence and faithfulness.

The Importance of Finishing Well

Finishing well in ministry is not just about longevity but about maintaining integrity, passion, and effectiveness until the end. As Daniel Henderson aptly puts it, “The prayer level of a church never rises any higher than the personal example and passion of the leaders.” This highlights leaders’ critical role in setting the spiritual tone and direction for their congregations. When leaders finish well, they leave a legacy of faithfulness and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

Finishing well in ministry is not just about longevity but about maintaining integrity, passion, and effectiveness until the end.

Staying Grounded in Prayer

One of the key elements to finishing well is maintaining a strong prayer life. Daniel Henderson emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s face rather than just His hand: “If all we ever do is seek God’s hand, we may miss His face; but if we seek His face, He will be glad to open His hand and satisfy the deepest desires of our hearts.” This means that leaders should prioritize their relationship with God above all else, ensuring their ministry is rooted in genuine worship and dependence on Him.

Leaders should prioritize their relationship with God above all else, ensuring their ministry is rooted in genuine worship and dependence on Him.

H.B. Charles Jr. also underscores the significance of prayer in a leader’s life: “Prayer is our Christian duty. It is an expression of submission to God and dependence upon Him. For that matter, prayer is arguably the most objective measurement of our dependence upon God.” By cultivating a robust prayer life, leaders can draw strength and guidance from God, enabling them to navigate the complexities of ministry with wisdom and grace.

Embracing Humility and Servanthood

Another crucial aspect of finishing well is embracing humility and servanthood. As Daniel reminds us, “Our real problem is not the pervasiveness of the darkness but a failure of the light. Light always dispels darkness.” This means that leaders should focus on being the light in their communities, serving others selflessly and reflecting Christ’s love in all they do.

H.B. Charles Jr. echoes this sentiment by emphasizing the importance of faithfulness over fame: “We don’t necessarily need any more famous Christians. We need more faithful Christians.” Leaders should strive to be faithful in their calling, prioritizing the well-being of their congregation over personal ambition or recognition.

Overcoming Discouragement

Discouragement is a common challenge for church leaders, but it can be overcome with the right mindset and support. H.B. Charles Jr. offers this powerful reminder: “Diligence defeats discouragement.” Leaders can push through difficult times and emerge stronger by staying diligent in their duties and trusting in God’s provision.

Building a Supportive Community

No leader can finish well in isolation. Building a supportive community is essential for sustaining long-term ministry. Daniel Henderson highlights the importance of mutual support among leaders: “We know that prayer is one of our primary priorities in ministry, both corporately and privately, but it’s hard to lead where you’ve not gone yourself.” Leaders should seek out mentors, peers, and accountability partners who can provide encouragement, wisdom, and prayer support.

No leader can finish well in isolation. Building a supportive community is essential for sustaining long-term ministry.

H.B. Charles Jr. also stresses the value of community in ministry: “The pulpit is not the place for personal testimonies, political speeches, group therapy sessions, motivational talks, self-help advice, worldly philosophies, or scientific theories. The pulpit is the throne of the Word of God.” By focusing on the Word of God and fostering a community centered on biblical truth, leaders can create an environment where they and their congregations can thrive.

Maintaining Vision and Passion

To finish well, leaders must maintain a clear vision and passion for their ministry. By continually seeking God’s direction and renewing their commitment to His purposes, leaders can stay motivated and inspired.

Clarity and conviction are essential for effective ministry. H.B. Charles Jr. says, “Passion is not a substitute for clarity. Volume is not a substitute for content. Emotion is not a substitute for conviction.” Leaders should ensure that their passion is grounded in a clear understanding of their calling and a deep conviction in the truth of God’s Word.


I want to encourage you to finish well. As you remain faithful to God and committed to your ministry, you will not only finish well but also leave a lasting legacy of faithfulness and impact for generations to come.

As you remain faithful to God and committed to your ministry, you will not only finish well but also leave a lasting legacy of faithfulness and impact for generations to come.

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