Monthly Feature: The Brooklyn Tabernacle
The Brooklyn Tabernacle is widely known for their corporate prayer culture. Many pastors who have experienced their Tuesday night prayer gathering walk away with dreams of "how it could be" for their church. One instinctively walks away thinking, "How can I get that in my church?"
But the prayer culture at The Brooklyn Tabernacle is not simply a once-a-week gig. Nor is it merely the human results of a grammy-award winning choir paired with a dynamic spiritual leader. The prayer culture at Brooklyn Tabernacle is the fruit of a community of faith taking seriously the desire to become a house of prayer through constant and intimate fellowship with God.
We recently were able to make it up to Brooklyn and had the opportunity to sit-down with a few of the staff at The Brooklyn Tabernacle, and pull the curtain back on what it’s really like to serve there. We wanted to know, is it like this every day? What’s the secret to this type of prayer culture? The answer may surprise you.