Prayer Guide: Yes and Amen
Music and Lyrics by Chris McClarney, Nate Moore, Tony Brown @2016 Thankyou Music
The prayer prompters below are suggestions to choose from in the context of corporate prayer or worship. Usually only one or two would be utilized, but we have provided a variety of ideas to choose from, or to use as inspiration to create your own.
Father of kindness
You have poured out of grace
You brought me out of darkness
You have filled me with peace
Giver of mercy
You’re my help in time of need
Lord I can’t help but sing
- I praise You Father that I experienced Your kindness when…
- Because You pour out Your grace I am able to…
- Thank You that You brought me out of the darkness of…
- I praise You that You filled me with peace when…
- Because You are the Giver of Mercy, I have experienced…
- Thank You that You were my help when I needed…
- Please pour out Your grace on me today as I…
- Lord, I need You to fill me with peach today as I…
- I pray that You will pour out Your grace on ____________ (name) as they….
- I pray that You will use me to bring light to ________________ (name) as You call them out of darkness.
- I pray for __________________ (name) that You will help them as they need…
Faithful, You are
Faithful, forever You will be
Faithful, You are
All Your promises are yes and Amen
All Your promises are yes and Amen
- Thank You Lord that You were so faithful when…
- Lord, You have promised ______________________ (Bible promise)
- Antiphonal response after each declared promise–
- Ladies: “Yes!”
- Men: “Amen!”
(For an example of this see this brief video link below)
- Antiphonal response after each declared promise–
- Today, I trust in Your faithfulness as I…
- I pray for _____________________ (name) that they will believe Your promise that…
Beautiful Saviour
You have brought me near
You pulled me from the ashes
You have broken every curse
Blessed redeemer
You have set this captive free
Lord I can’t help but sing
- Savior, You are beautiful to me because…
- Thank You that You brought me near when…
- Redeemer, I bless You because…
- Thank You Lord that You set me free from…
- I pray that You will bring____________________ (name) near to You today as they…
- Blessed Redeemer, I pray that You will redeem _____________________ (name of a lost loved one, friend, etc.) from the ashes of their life, and use me to share Your gospel with them.
- I pray that You will work in ________________ (name) to set them free from…
I will rest in Your promises
My confidence is Your faithfulness
I will rest in Your promises
My confidence is Your faithfulness
- Help me rest today in your word that promises…
- Give me confidence in Your faithfulness today as I…
- Help _________________ (name) rest in Your word that promises…
- Give ____________________ (name) confidence in Your faithfulness today as they….
Live Prayer Service Example
Facilitated by Daniel Henderson. July 2018.