Sing Your Way Through the Summer (Chris Tomlin)

In these weeks of summer, we are returning to the theme of “Sing Your Way Through the Summer.” Today we reflect on the words to the popular song by Chris Tomlin, “Holy Forever.” Take some time to listen to this song. (You can find it HERE.) Then, turn the lyrics into expressions of personal, specific prayer during your time with the Lord. You can also use this guide in your family time, small group, or even an upcoming church service.


“Holy Forever”

By Chris Tomlin


Verse 1:

A thousand generations falling down in worship

To sing the song of ages to the Lamb

And all who’ve gone before us, and all who will believe

Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb

  • Jesus, you are worthy of my praise because …
  • Jesus, Lamb of God, thank You for forgiving me of …
  • Worthy is the Lamb who …
  • Jesus, with all Your people, I will sing forever of Your …



Your name is the highest

Your name is the greatest

Your name stands above them all

All thrones and dominions

All powers and positions

Your name stands above them all



And the angels cry, “Holy!”

All creation cries, “Holy!”

You are lifted high, holy

Holy forever

  • Jesus, Your name is …
  • Jesus, Your name stands above …
  • Lord, I praise you because all … are under Your authority.
  • Lord, there is none like You. You alone are …
  • Holy is Your …


Verse 2:

If you’ve been forgiven, if you’ve been redeemed

Sing the song forever to the Lamb

If you walk in freedom, if you bear His name

Sing the song forever to the Lamb

We’ll sing the song forever and amen

  • Jesus, forgive me for the times I forget that You have … me.
  • Lord, I confess I am struggling to worship You today because …
  • Jesus, I will forever worship You as I remember that You …
  • Lord, remind me that in Christ I am/have … , so that I …
  • Lord, remind (name) that in Christ they are/have … , so that they …

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